150th Anniversary A Year to Remember

150th Anniversary A Year to Remember


Monastic Family Weekend

June 2-4

Expecting that summer would be a quiet time of year, the monks of Conception Abbey invited family members to join them for a few days to celebrate the community’s 150th anniversary. The familiar horarium of the Abbey shaped our time together, leaving ample opportunity for many conversations and fun activities.



St. Columba Parish Carnival

September 10

The parishioners of St. Columba Catholic Church have traditionally had their fall carnival on the parish grounds in nearby Conception Junction. For our anniversary year, the monastic community invited the parish to hold the carnival at the Abbey. After about a dozen monks joined the Lollipop Parade in Conception Junction, with Abbot Benedict

being honored as the grand marshal, the monastic community joined the cookout that took place in the center of campus. Monks and seminarians took turns at the dunk tank to the delight of many youth who know well how to toss a softball.



Alumni Reunion

September 11-12

For the Alumni Reunion, Conception Abbey invited Fr. Bernhard Eckerstorfer, OSB, the Rector of Sant’Anselmo in Rome as a guest speaker. As a monk of Kremsmünster Abbey in Austria, Fr. Bernhard spoke about the role of education in nourishing priestly and religious vocations from the perspective of his community, which has endured seasons of vocational drought and plenty over the course of 1,250 years.




Seminary Family Weekend

September 30­—October 1

The featured guest speaker of this year’s Seminary Family Weekend was Katie Prejean McGrady, an acclaimed author, international speaker, podcaster, and daily radio show host. She made this year’s Seminary Family Weekend extra special through her skillful extemporaneous reflections on the universal call to holiness amidst life’s daily trials.



Olivier Latry Organ Concert

November 3

Olivier Latry, a titular organist of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, offered a concert in the Abbey Basilica that included compositions by Bach, Dupré, and Lizst (La prédication aux oiseaux – an audience favorite that “sounded like birds”). Distinguished for his exceptional improvisational abilities, Latry concluded with an improvisation on the plainchant of Ave Maris Stella, just as his teacher, Gaston Litaize, did in this very place about 60 years ago.



Monastery Day of Recollection

November 24

Although recently elected into leadership in August 2023, Abbot Joel Rippinger, OSB of Marmion Abbey traveled to Conception Abbey to offer a day of recollection to the monastic community at Thanksgiving. As a keen historian of Benedictines in the United States, Abbot Joel spoke about the spiritual significance of exemplary monks throughout Conception Abbey’s history: both of foundational figures like Abbot Frowin Conrad and of monks in our midst today.



Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception


“On December 8th the little monastery was blessed by Father Frowin with great joy and he and the candidates moved in. On the 24th he went over the prayers of the breviary with them and that night in the humble frame church, which in its simplicity was reminiscent of Bethlehem, the solemn choral prayer of the Church was initiated at Conception. That prayer has continued at the assigned hours of the day and night ever since and will continue with God’s gracious protection until the end of time.” – excerpt from Abbot Frowin Conrad, OSB, Founder of Conception Abbey


The monks of Conception Abbey hosted a grand celebration in honor of their 150th anniversary, with the official date of December 8, 2023. On that day, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the monks celebrated 150 years of monastic life.

To honor this special moment in history, the monks hosted bishops and abbots from around the country—really, the world—beginning with Vespers (Evening Prayer) on Thursday, December 7. With the evening light shining beautifully into the Basilica, Abbot Christian Meyer, OSB, preached about living in community with one’s brothers and sisters. Abbot Christian is the abbot of Engelberg Abbey in Switzerland, which is Conception Abbey’s motherhouse that recently celebrated its 900th anniversary.

The main events on Friday, December 8, were the Holy Eucharist and a luncheon. Abbot Benedict Neenan, OSB, the 10th and current abbot of Conception Abbey, celebrated Mass, and Abbot Primate Gregory Polan, the ninth abbot of Conception Abbey and the head of the Benedictine Order in Rome, preached about the similarities of Mary, the Immaculate Conception, and Abbot Frowin Conrad, OSB.

At the luncheon following Mass, Abbot Benedict offered a welcome and a few words of gratitude. Bishop James V. Johnston, bishop of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph offered remarks and prayer. Abbot Christian, as well as Abbot Jeremy Driscoll, OSB, of Conception’s sister monastery, Mount Angel in Oregon, gave remarks and presented Abbot Benedict and the monastic community with commemorative gifts. Sr. Dawn Annette Mills, Prioress of the Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in Clyde, ended the program with regards from the nearby sisters, many of whom were in attendance.

Over the course of the two days, the monksof Conception Abbey hosted more than 200 guests, which included religious men and women from fellow monasteries near and far, alumni, oblates, friends, and family.

“It was only appropriate that prayer and fellowship outlined the entire celebration,” said Abbot Benedict. “We felt immense support, especially from our religious brothers and sisters, and we are grateful to have shared this moment in time with so many who mean so much to us.”

In his homily, Abbot Gregory spoke of singing a new song to the Lord and encouraged the congregation to consider what that new song may be for the next 150 years of monastic life at Conception Abbey.

On Sunday, December 10, the monks hosted the local community, offering gratitude to local ancestors who brought the monks here 150 years ago.

“Anniversaries prompt us to look back at beginnings and to celebrate stability, perseverance, and endurance,” said Abbot Benedict. “May this anniversary also encourage us to look forward and recommit ourselves to the prayer and work that the monks and world need today in a community characterized by reverence, welcome, and love so that in all things, God may be glorified.”

Kaity Holtman
Director of Communications



Celebration with the Local Community

On the Sunday following our patronal feast, Conception Abbey invited all friends and neighbors to join us for Mass and a festive dinner. This celebration afforded the monks an opportunity to express their gratitude for 150 years of support from the local community.

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