Monastic Experience Weekend
This past weekend (August 15-17), we welcomed three men to the monastery for our “Monastic Experience.” The weekend allows men who are considering a vocation to monastic life an opportunity to learn more about our way of life, join us for prayer, meals, work, and recreation. Abbot Gregory and Br. Bernard (Novicemaster) both gave conferences to the participants, allowing time for question and answer.
Eight monks gathered for a social, snacks and games on Saturday evening with the three weekend participants, which created a more relaxed environment for everyone to get to know one another. One participant commented how it was helpful to see the different personalities in the community, and how we interact and live as a community.
The next Monastic Experience Weekend is October 31-November 2. We invite men, ages 18-35, to attend the weekend by submitting this registration form. Please pass on the information if you know anyone who might be discerning a call to religious life and could benefit from this experience.
Posted in Daily Life, Listen, My Son