In the Light of the Resurrection

Happy Easter!  Alleluia!

The seminarians are away on Easter Vacation and the monastic community is enjoying a peaceful and cheerful Easter Octave.

Tonight the Benedictine Sisters from Clyde will join us for Evening Prayer and supper- a long held tradition.  All week long the monks will have a 3:00pm gathering with appetizers and a time to celebrate the Lord’s Resurrection.

Our Easter Vigil began at 4:30am on Sunday morning and it was a beautiful liturgy, finishing right around 7:10am.

These are some pictures from the past few days, both outside and at the Easter Vigil.

Below:  Holy Saturday sunset.  Stunning.IMG_1775IMG_1785

Below:  I wish it were an eagle, but it was just a pigeon that was on the other side of the window while I was walking through the monastery.  I was about 6 inches away on the other side of the glass and it didn’t fly away.IMG_1691

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Below:  Pictures from the Easter Vigil and the decorations in the Basilica.

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