Good Friday
Our Good Friday celebration of the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ began at the 3 o’clock hour. The monastic community processed into a full Basilica in silence. The celebration of the Lord’s Passion consists of three parts, namely, the Liturgy of the Word, the Adoration of the Cross, and Holy Communion. The Priest and the Deacon, wearing red vestments as for Mass, go to the altar in silence and, after making a reverence to the altar, prostrate themselves and pray in silence for a while. All others kneel. Abbot Gregory actually ended up wearing the red chasuble I received from the parishioners at Sts. John and Paul (Wexford, PA) for my ordination. I wore it at my First Mass. Abbot Gregory chose to wear it because it is light weight.
It was a powerful and beautiful celebration and we were fortunately to have many guests in our presence. May we be grateful to Jesus Christ for coming to save us by his death on the cross.
Posted in Daily Life, Listen, My Son, Pictures