March Madness

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all the Irish (and all who wish they were Irish). We have a nice line-up of great saints this week:  St. Patrick, St. Joseph (March 19), and St. Benedict (March 21).  We celebrate the “passing” or “transitus” of St. Benedict as our solemnity, which is this Saturday.

Yesterday evening, even after the sun went down, it was around 80 degrees outside! This morning it was in the mid-30’s, quite the drastic change.  The 50’s would have felt comfortable for March, but we were spoiled the last week with some great weather and warm temperatures.  Fortunately, the sunny days continue!

Br. Justin organizes an NCAA Tournament each year for the monks, seminarians, faculty, and employees to participate in.  It only costs $1 to submit a bracket.  I’ve never one.  In fact, though I follow sports, I have a knack for picking the losing teams.  I consider it a gift.

Below:  Br. Justin’s office door and his neighbors have various college pennants decorating it (especially my Oklahoma State Cowboys).  One of the seminarians, Cruz Gallegos, picks up his bracket.

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Last Wednesday I helped out with the high school CCD classes at St. Columba’s parish in Conception Junction.  I like to assist with the games and lesson at least once a semester, it is good to get to know the youth from the local area.

The topics was about “Truth” and “Morality”, so we started them off with the game “Box of Lies.”  Two people sit across from one another and each selects a box that has been prepared by the teacher.  Inside the box are random objects (emphasis on random).  You describe what is in your box, and the other person tries to determine whether you are telling the truth or not.

Below: I am “in the zone” staring down one high school student to try to get inside her head.  I was successful and won both times.

Below: In my box was this doll with braided hair.

Below: In my opponents box was a pig inside a hamburger bun (aka “pork sandwich”).

Tomorrow evening I head over to the parish to help with the Reconciliation service for the young people.