Abbey Trails 2016

Saturday morning we had our 21st Annual Abbey Trails 5K run/2 mile walk. It was a great success as we welcomed 175 participants. It turned out to be a beautiful May morning, with the exception of one small rain cloud and one bolt of lightning that occurred partway through the race.

I participated in the 5K again this year and I found the rain to be refreshing. It was good to see a nice crowd, and a good mix of local neighbors and friends traveling from a distance. I ran a 19:46 5K time, which was 4 seconds faster than last year’s time. My goal was to finish under 20 minutes, but would have preferred a time closer to 19:30. My parents traveled to the Abbey to visit for the weekend and they participated in the 2 mile walk for the 3rd year in a row. This year, my brother and his family did the walk for the first time.

See a full list of race results here

Above: Our 5K race team, aka “Team Coco” Left to Right: Fr. Paul, Seth Arnold (Wichita seminarian), Cameron Costello (Davenport seminarian), and Tomas Sandoval (Oklahoma City seminarian). We placed first in the team competition, taking the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 7th finishing places.

Below: Br. Luke sharing some good humor and water with the walkers.IMG_3582IMG_3592
Above: Seth Arnold (Diocese of Wichita) finishes first overall.
Below: I wonder why I decided to run again this year.IMG_3669IMG_3676Above: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers all seminarians.
Below: 1st place through 5th place finishers- 4 seminarians and 1 monk/priest.IMG_3681IMG_3803
Above: Brunch and Health Fair in St. Michael’s Gymnasium after the race.
Below: “Team Coco” with their 1st place team medals.IMG_3809