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Lenten Retreats at the Abbey Guest Center

The Conception Abbey Guest Center has planned a series of Lenten retreats to help us enter into the spirit of renewal and faith to which our yearly observance of Lent calls us. Read more about our Lenten retreat offerings below and to make plans to attend a retreat, contact the Abbey Guest Center at (660)…

Summary of the Oblate World Congress held in 2017

Below is the entire summary of the Fourth World Congress of Benedictine Oblates which was held in Rome in November 2017. It was written by Ann Cole and George & Barbara Appleby who attended as representatives from Conception Abbey. As you know, in November 2017, we attended the Fourth World Congress of Benedictine Oblates in…

Fr. Joel Derks, OSB, enters eternal rest

On Wednesday, 27 December 2017, at 2:07 in the afternoon, our beloved confrere, Father Joel Derks, O.S.B., having received the Apostolic Pardon, set aside the cares of this life so as to cross over unburdened to the joys of heaven. Father Joel was a Jubilarian of both priesthood and monastic profession. Having long suffered the lasting effects…

Conception Abbey Christmas Schedule – 2017

The monks of Conception Abbey invite all to participate in our celebration of Christmas at the Abbey. Following is the monastic prayer schedule for Christmas and New Years (the Solemnity of Mary). For more information, contact Conception Abbey at (660) 944-3100 or Sunday, Dec. 24 – Christmas Eve 6:20 a.m. – Vigils 7:45 a.m.…

Scott Hahn draws large crowd to Conception Abbey

Over 300 people attended Dr. Scott Hahn’s lecture at Conception Abbey and Conception Seminary College Dr. Scott Hahn, bestselling author, founder and president of the Saint Paul Center for Biblical Theology in Steubenville, Oh., teacher, and theologian, spoke Friday, December 1 at Conception Abbey & Conception Seminary College in Conception, Mo. His first talk to…

#GivingTuesday Event at Conception Abbey a Success!

“It’s all about community” Conception, MO – Conception Abbey and Tri-C Partners 4 Progress held their annual #GivingTuesday event from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 28 on the Conception Abbey campus in Conception, Mo. Just over 100 people attended the #GivingTuesday event helping to: Donate and wrap gifts for eight adopted local…

Conception Abbey and Tri-C Partners 4 Progress Plan to Help Families in Need This #GivingTuesday

Conception Abbey and Tri-C Partners 4 Progress are planning once again to help local families in need during this year’s celebration of #GivingTuesday, occurring this year on Nov. 28, 2017. #GivingTuesday is a global day of giving that harnesses the collective power of individuals, communities, and organizations to encourage philanthropy to kick off the holiday…

Devotional Prayer and Liturgical Prayer

How devotional prayer and liturgical prayer work together in our spiritual lives  One of our oblates, who is also an Evangelical Christian, described to me his first experience of praying with the monks at Conception Abbey. It was at Evening Prayer, and he commented that right away he knew it was an experience of something…

Conception Abbey Guest Center will offer new “Days of Reflection”

Something new is happening at the Conception Abbey Guest Center. Starting this fall, we will offer a series of Days of Reflection retreats facilitated mostly by Fr. Donald Gibbs, OSB. Each “Day of Reflection” will center on a different topic of spirituality or liturgical season. Starting at 9:00 a.m. and ending at 3:00 p.m., each…

Three men enter novitiate at Conception Abbey

On Monday, August 14, 2017, the novice master Fr. Xavier Nacke, OSB, led the three postulants from the entrance of the Abbey Basilica to the altar where they were met with this question: “What is your request?” Standing before Abbot Benedict Neenan, OSB, and in the presence of the entire monastic community, the three postulants…