Listen, My Son
Brothers Living in Unity campaign awarded challenge grant, names new residence hall
Conception Seminary College plans to begin construction this spring Conception leadership is pleased to announce that, with the help of our generous donors, we have met the Mabee Challenge, which awards us an additional $1 million grant from the J.E. and L.E. Mabee Foundation toward the Brothers Living in Unity campaign. Last February, the J.E. and…
That Monk Does What?
A look into the little-known titles of monastic assignments Prior Custos Cellarer Porter Refectorian Intentionarius Infirmarian What kind of work do the monks do? There are many job assignments that take place within the monastery itself, often hidden from the public eye, but just as important for the daily upkeep of the monastery and for…
Mary: A Mother to Us All
Particularly important for seminarians is fostering a fervent love of the Blessed Virgin Mary and calling upon her maternal mediation. The Second Vatican Council’s decree on priestly training, Optatam Totius, said of those preparing for priesthood: “They should love and venerate with a filial trust the most Blessed Virgin Mary, who was given as mother…
Monastic Vows: A Lifelong Commitment
Celebrating Our Jubilarians Fr. Anthony celebrates 80 years of service and fidelity There are often firsts in every family, so even in a monastic community, we too have the pleasure of participating in an event happening for the first time. This year, on March 12, our Fr. Anthony Shidler, OSB, celebrated 80 years as a…
Conception Abbey to livestream Midnight Mass
In serene silence, the gentle glow of candles takes over the darkness, just as Jesus’s birth fills the world with hope. The rhythm of monastic chanting fills the night with a humble simplicity like that of the stable on Christmas Eve. While the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception at Conception Abbey is closed to…
Br. Isidro Ramos, OSB, enters eternal rest
Br. Isidro Ramos, OSB, a monk of Conception Abbey assigned to St. Benedict’s Priory, Benet Lake, Wisconsin, died early Saturday morning, November 28, in Harvey, Illinois. He was 74 years of age and professed as a Benedictine monk for twenty-four years. One of twelve children of Mr. and Mrs. Salvador Ramos, he was born January…
The Archbishop’s Garden
By the Work of Their Hands A Feature on Archbishop Jerome Hanus, OSB A first-time guest to the Abbey came upon one of the monastery grounds workers with an old baseball cap, wearing a pair of dirty blue jeans and a saturated gray T-shirt. “Excuse me, sir…” the lady uttered. “Yes, ma’am,” replied the man.…
Priest, Monk, Brother, Father: What does it all mean?
This article was originally published in Tower Topics, Spring 2020 Understanding Religious Roles Sometimes it can be difficult to understand the differences and similarities between the title “Brother” and “Father,” a priest of Conception Abbey and a priest in a parish not associated with the Abbey, or even the monks at Conception and the seminarians studying…
Brothers Living in Unity campaign makes significant progress
CONCEPTION, Mo. (June 19, 2020) – Conception leadership is pleased to announce that we have raised just over $1.6 million of the $2.8 million needed for us to receive the $1 million challenge grant from the Mabee Foundation. This leaves $1.2 million to fundraise by January 14 to receive the grant. In February of this…
Fr. Albert: Formed in Community
Fr. Albert walks into the fourth-grade classroom with his usual grin on his face. The students light up as he enters the room, and he is immediately received by a chorus of greetings. They put down their pencils and direct their attention to their pastor who stands before them in the front of the classroom.…