Seminarian Blog

Encounter Weekend

This past weekend was our Encounter with God’s Call weekend.  Conception Seminary College invited a record-breaking 115 young men to “come and see” the seminary, visit with the seminarians, and hear a series of talks.  Never before have we had over 100 young men for an Encounter, which are held once in the fall and once in…

Fall Production

Every Fall semester, Br. Cyprian and the seminarians of Conception Seminary put on a play in St. Michael’s Gymnasium.  This year Conception Seminary College presents, “Murder at the Goon Show,” by Douglas Winters.  A most hilarious comedy-spoof-murder mystery in two acts.  They work long hours in order for the show to come together.  I watched…

1,500 Miles…and Counting

As the temperatures get cooler, I am happy to announce that this week I reached my 1,500 mile biking goal for the year.  All of my bike rides for the year began at the Abbey.  The outdoor biking season is not necessarily over, but I prefer not to bike in temperatures below 50 degrees, especially if…

I’m Digging it

The front of the monastery is not the most picturesque these days, as the construction and renovation project has turned to digging up the ground. This work has resulted in a couple of big mounds of dirt decorating the front yard.  But, though unsightly, it must mean progress, and one step closer into moving into…

National Vocation Awareness Week

We celebrate National Vocation Awareness Week, November 2nd – 8th, an annual week-long celebration of the Catholic Church in the United States dedicated to promote vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and consecrated life through prayer and education, and to renew our prayers and support for those who are considering one of these particular vocations. This…

All the Saints

Bishop Carl Kemme, bishop of the Diocese of Wichita, celebrated the conventual Mass in the Basilica for the Solemnity of All Saints.  It was his first visit to Conception Abbey and Seminary College since being ordained to the episcopate on May 1, 2014. The Basilica was decorated with various relics and floral arrangements for this…

Work, Travel, and Baseball

I completed my first draft of the Fall-Winter issue of Tower Topics and sent it to my proofreaders.  I received their edits and I am now working hard to make changes to the publication before sending it to the printer.  Hopefully it will hit mailboxes in one month.  It is always such a big project to work…

Fall Colors

It is the best time of the year to walk around campus.  The fall colors are brilliant.  For those of you who are not able to experience it firsthand, hopefully these pictures do it justice.

Sports Weekend

The Conception Seminary College “Thunder Cup” (Soccer/Volleyball tournament) began Saturday morning with the first round of soccer games.  It was a beautiful and sunny fall day for soccer and everyone seemed to be in good spirits for some inter-seminary competition.  Conception Seminary has two soccer fields, so four of the six teams in the tournament…

Bring the Noise

Saturday, Oct. 18– The long awaited Seminary Soccer-Volleyball Tournament is just around the corner.  The seminarians are getting excited about it all.  The six team round robin volleyball tournament begins at 7:00PM and will have teams from St. Joseph’s College Seminary (Chicago, IL), St. Meinrad (St. Meinrad, IN), St. Gregory the Great Seminary (Seward, NE),…