Recommended Reading
Below is a list of book suggestions for oblates. More entries will be added in time and oblates are welcome to make recommendations by e-mailing the Oblate Director.
The Bible
I. Books on St. Benedict and his Rule
- Baudoz, Jean-Francois, With Christ, The Gospel under the Guidance of Saint Benedict, Liturgical Press
- Benson, Robert, A Good Life, Benedict’s Guide to Everyday Joy, Paraclete Press
- Bonomo, Carol, Humble Pie, St. Benedict’s Ladder of Humility, Morehouse Publishing
- Borkmann, Aquinata, Saint Benedict, Perspectives on the Rule, Liturgical Press
- Casey, Michael, A Guide to Living in the Truth, Saint Benedict’s Teaching on Humility by Michael Casey. Liguori/Triumph Press
- Casey, Michael, Sacred Reading- The Ancient Art of Lectio Divina: Liguori/Triumph
- Casey, Michael, Seventy Four Tools for Good Living: Liturgical Press
- Chittister, Sister Joan, O.S.B., Wisdom Distilled From the Daily, Living the Rule of St. Benedict Today, Harper Publishing
- Cummings, Charles, Monastic Practices, Cistercian publications
- de Vogue, Adalbert, Reading Saint Benedict, Reflections on the Rule, Cistercian Publications
- de Waal, Esther, A Life-Giving Way, A Commentary on the Rule of St. Benedict This book has a copy of the Rule and also a commentary. Recommended especially for oblates.), Liturgical Press
- de Waal, Esther, Seeking God, The Way of St. Benedict, Liturgical Press
- de Waal, Esther, The Baptismal Invitation of the Rule of St. Benedict, Liturgical Press
- Derkse, Wil, A Blessed Life, Benedictine Guidelines for Those who Long for Good Days, Liturgical Press
- Feiss, Hugh, Essential Monastic Wisdom, Harper Collins publications
- Holdaway, Gervase O.S.B., editor, The Oblate Life, Liturgical Press
- Jamison, Abbot Christopher, O.S.B., Finding Happiness, Monastic Steps for a Fulfilling Life, Liturgical Press
- Pennington, M. Basil, OCSO, Listen With Your Heart, Spiritual Living With the Rule of Saint Benedict, Paraclete Press
- Stewart, Columba, O.S.B., Prayer and Community, The Benedictine Tradition, Orbis Books
- Tomaine, Jane, St. Benedict’s Toolbox, The Nuts and Bolts of Everyday Benedictine Living, Morehouse Publications
- McGinnis, Mark, The Wisdom of the Benedictine Elders: Thirty of America's Oldest Monks and Nuns Share Their Lives' Greatest Lessons.
- Sr. Marie-Thomas Beil OSB, Study Guide for the Rule of St. Benedict for Oblates Abbey of St. Walburga, Virginia Dale, CO
- Michael Casey OCSO- On the Road to Eternal Life: Study of Prologue of the Rule Liturgical Press
- Wetta, J. Augustine – Humility Rules: St. Benedict’s 12 Step Guide to Genuine Self-esteem: Ignatius
II. Other Spiritual Reading
- Bernardin, Joseph Cardinal, The Gift of Peace, Personal Reflections, Loyola University Press
- Casey, Michael, OCSO, The Ancient Art of Lectio Divina, Liguori Publications
- Gray, Dr. Tim, Praying Scripture for a Change: An Introduction to Lectio Divina Ascension Press, 2009
- Pennington, M. Basil, OCSO, Lectio Divina, Renewing the Ancient Practice of Praying the Scriptures, Crossroad publishing
- St. Therese of Lisieux, The Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux, The Story of a Soul, many translations and editions available, My paperback is an Image Book
- Ruth Burrows, Essential Writings, Orbis Books, 2019
- Rev. Richard Rohr, Falling Upward – A Spirituality of Two Halves of Life, Jossey-Bass, 2011
- Michael Casey OCSO – Grace on the Journey to God Paraclete Press
III. Retreat Handouts