Refectory Art: Part II
The monastic refectory has some new art on the east wall, which will be behind the head table. Two Beuronese-style murals, in color, now complement the monochrome murals that were recently restored. The refectory is turning out to be very beautiful and an appropriate communal gathering space.
Below: Restored monochrome murals
Above and Below: New murals- The overarching title for both murals is “Service and Contemplation” Martha and Mary with Jesus (Martha serves bread at table; Mary listens to Jesus’ word) Romanus brings bread to St. Benedict in his cave at Subiaco (who is studying the scriptures)
Above and Below: Br. Michael visits with one of the artists from Evergreene.
Above: Fr. Samuel and Br. Jonathan admire the new art work.
Posted in Daily Life, Listen, My Son