Abbot Primate Gregory Polan

Come Holy Spirit 

Below: The Holy Spirit painting that is on the ceiling of the chapter room in the newly renovated monastery.  Pentecost is a very special feast for me personally.  Two years ago, when I was ordained a priest, the first Sunday Mass I celebrated at my home parish in Stillwater, Oklahoma was on Pentecost Sunday. Two…

New Foundations

It is community retreat week.  That means that all of the ‘monks on mission’ return and we have two spiritual conferences a day led by the retreat director.  This year’s director has been Abbot Peter Eberle.  Abbot Peter is the retired abbot of Mount Angel in Oregon.  He has been leading the monastic community through…

Graduation Weekend

Conception Seminary College Commencement & Honors Assembly was held Saturday afternoon.  Seminarians, monks, family, friends, and even some recent alumni were on hand for the joyful occasion.  Dr. Bill Brownsberger, Academic Dean, announced the student awards and academic scholarships for each class, including the recipients of the Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and…

May Day

It is a long Conception Seminary College tradition to have a day dedicated to athletic activities for the seminarians to compete–the blue team vs. the white team.  Even the oldest alumni have their memories of May Day- the sports, the fun, and the shenanigans the night before. This year was no different.  While rainy weather…

History of the Abbey Basilica

I put together a video of the history of the Abbey Basilica for the feast of its Dedication.  I uploaded it on our Facebook page yesterday, but put it up on YouTube today.  Br. Cyprian, our Guestmaster, shares the history of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception.  Enjoy this brief history of our beautiful church.

Recent Stirrings

Today we celebrate the anniversary of the Dedication of the Abbey Basilica.  The Basilica is the spiritual center of our campus, because it is where we give praise and worship to God.  All the work we do, in our many apostolates, draw strength from what we do six times a day in church.  To quote the…

Monastery Art: Part III

The construction on the monastery is coming along rather nicely.  The art in the monastic refectory, chapter room, and hallways is serving to adorn the new space, making it a place which glorifies God through its beauty. Br. Michael is coordinating the artistic efforts and finishing some of the work begun by the professional artists. Below:…

Rector’s Reception

Yesterday afternoon seminarians, monks, and faculty gathered to honor and recognize Fr. Samuel’s many years of service at Conception Seminary College.  At the end of the semester, Fr. Samuel will finish his term as President-Rector, a role he began in 2007.  His years of work in priestly formation, however, began more than 30 years ago as he…

Abbey Trails

Saturday morning we had the 20th annual Abbey Trails 5K run/2 mile walk.  This year’s event drew a slightly smaller crowd that previous years, probably mostly due to the weather.  The threat of rain may have discouraged casual participants from attending.  While it rained before and after the event, there was only a light rain during…

Refectory Art: Part II

The monastic refectory has some new art on the east wall, which will be behind the head table.  Two Beuronese-style murals, in color, now complement the monochrome murals that were recently restored.  The refectory is turning out to be very beautiful and an appropriate communal gathering space. Below:  Restored monochrome murals  Above and Below:  New…