Abbot Primate

Joyful News

It was a dreary and rainy day, but that didn’t dampen anyone’s spirits.  For the monks of Conception Abbey, it was a joyful day.  Not only were we able to celebrate the Annunciation of the Lord, but this morning we also received a new member to our monastic community. Luke Downing (Wichita, Kansas) was received…

Monastic Humor

This past weekend we welcomed 3 men for our Monastic Experience Weekend.  It was great to have these guests especially as we celebrated the Feast of St. Benedict on Saturday.  Bishop Sis of the Diocese of San Angelo was the celebrant and homilist.  Please continue to pray for vocations. Fr. Macario and I worked on…

Seminary Open-House

Every year on the respective Feast Days (or “Namesdays”) of their buildings, the seminarians have their open-house.  Each building is named after a saint, so on the Feast of St. Michael (September 29), the freshmen and sophomores have open-house in St. Michael’s Hall. This year, the monks are occupying St. Joseph Hall, which is normally the…

March Madness

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all the Irish (and all who wish they were Irish). We have a nice line-up of great saints this week:  St. Patrick, St. Joseph (March 19), and St. Benedict (March 21).  We celebrate the “passing” or “transitus” of St. Benedict as our solemnity, which is this Saturday. Yesterday evening, even…

Coffee Shop Night

It is the middle of March.  The seminarians put on their annual seminary talent night, also known as, “Coffee Shop Night.”  The evening of entertainment featured a variety of acts featuring seminarians and monks:  comedy skits, musical acts, and even videos.  It is a nice time for the Abbey and Seminary community to gather and…

Anniversaries and Announcements

Our confrere, Fr. Anthony, celebrates his 75th anniversary of monastic profession on this day.  He was born on August 21, 1921, professed in 1940, and was ordained to the priesthood on May 22, 1964. Congratulations, Fr. Anthony! In other news, it was announced recently that Fr. Brendan Moss of St. Meinrad Archabbey will serve as…

Shedding Light on it

Yesterday evening we had a beautiful sunset. I was out front just as the sun was setting to catch these great pictures. We continue to enjoy weather that is in the 60’s. It looks like it should be highs in the 60s or 70s in to the weekend.   Below: Beautiful light and shadows in…

Feeling like Spring

The weather is into the 60’s this weekend, and should stay there for the rest of the week.  Everyone is enjoying this weather after a rather dismal February.  The seminarians are enjoying an off-campus weekend and the monks are enjoying the quiet time and beautiful weather.  There are several guests here this weekend, including a…

Monastic Life Talk

I was invited to speak at St. Theresa’s parish in North Kansas City. I spoke about the year of consecrated life and monastic life at conception Abby. It was a very good experience with nice parishioners who showed me hospitality.

More Ask a Monk Videos!

I finally finished editing and publishing these last two Ask a Monk videos of Fr. Victor and Br. Michael. This completes 15, I believe, videos total.  I hope you have found them entertaining and insight into our community and the many personalities.