First Day of Classes
After several days of seminary student orientation, the first day of classes has arrived.
Picture Time
It is picture day and registration for the seminarians of Conception Seminary. The early morning rain did not prevent the photographer from capturing their smiling faces. This morning the men gathered in front of the Basilica in order to take the group photo. Afterwards they took separate pictures based on Diocese or Religious Order. Loud noises…
Beat the Heat
It was a sweltering 90 degrees at the Abbey today. Of course we have seen warmer, and during most summers, we would regard 90 as nothing special, but it has been a cooler summer, so it feels downright hot and humid today. Thunderstorms caused some havoc in the area, mainly with the electricity toward the end…
Back to School
The new seminarians arrived on Wednesday. A small group of the returning seminarians were on hand to offer hospitality and assistance to the new students, as part of the Seminary Orientation Team. The schedule has involved different conferences, introducing students to the various aspects of seminary formation, including academic, character, and spiritual formation. The evening…
Two Men Enter the Novitiate
Eric Kral and Joseph Fussner entered the novitiate today in a ceremony this afternoon in the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception. Members of the community gathered for this joyful occasion, chanting verses of Psalm 84 as Br. Bernard, the Novicemaster, led the two novices-to-be to the altar, where they made their petition.
Monastic Experience Weekend
This past weekend (August 15-17), we welcomed three men to the monastery for our “Monastic Experience.” The weekend allows men who are considering a vocation to monastic life an opportunity to learn more about our way of life, join us for prayer, meals, work, and recreation. Abbot Gregory and Br. Bernard (Novicemaster) both gave conferences…
Solemnity of the Assumption
The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a very festive day for the monks of Conception Abbey. In recent years and occasionally in the past, this is the day when novices make profession. If Novice Eric and Joseph persevere, they will profess vows on this day in 2015. Here is a list…
Temporary Dining Room
On Saturday evening, the monks began taking their meals in a new location. We had been eating in the seminarian dining room, but since many of the seminarians return in one week, we had to vacate their space and find our own new location. Obviously none of this would be an issue if the monastery…
Family Baptism
I was able to go home for the weekend to baptize my niece. It was a pretty awesome experience and nice celebration. Let us welcome our newest Christian! It is good to have some time away to enjoy the company of my family. I also celebrated Mass and preached at my home parish and was able…