Abbey Trails celebrates anniversary with 250+ friends
Conception, Mo. – The 25th anniversary Abbey Trails 5K Run / 2-Mile walk brought guests from near and far to Conception Abbey on Saturday, May 7 to celebrate health and wellness. Saturday morning boasted beautiful weather for more than 250 people participating in the walk, run, health fair, and brunch. The 5K course began…
Br. Martin Haberman, OSB, enters eternal rest
At 3:00 p.m. on Holy Saturday 16 April 2022, in the midst of the serene and hope-filled anticipation that belongs especially to that day, our beloved confrere, Brother Martin Haberman, OSB strengthened by the prayers of his brother monks, passed into the peace of heaven, where earthly hope is fulfilled in eternal joy. Br. Martin…
Fr. Kevin Murphy, OSB, enters eternal rest
On Friday, 15 April 2022, at 2:05 p.m. as our community prepared for the Solemn Commemoration of Our Lord’s Passion, our beloved confrere, Father Kevin Murphy, OSB anticipated the death and resurrection of the Lord as he entered the company of the saints. Fr. Kevin originally made monastic profession at St. Benedict’s Abbey, Benet Lake WI, and…
Fr. Henry Nurre, OSB, enters eternal rest
At 12:50 AM on Wednesday, 23 March 2022, two days after our celebration of the Transitus of our Holy Father Benedict, our beloved confrere, Fr. Henry Nurre, OSB heeded the call of his Savior and made his own transitus into the realms of eternal glory. Fr. Henry had come to Conception Abbey from St. Benedict’s…
Abbey Trails to celebrate anniversary in person
Conception, Mo. – The monks of Conception Abbey look forward to celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Abbey Trails 5K Run / 2-Mile Walk & Health Fair in person on Saturday, May 7, 2022. “We enjoy hosting participants from the region to promote health and wellness, and we have some exciting things planned for the 2022 event to…
Called to Community Life
Common prayer. Community. Communion. Br. Mark’s life has always held a theme of community and prayer, and God has used his life’s experiences to call him to profess simple vows as a monk of Conception Abbey. Br. Mark Nelson, previously Novice Andrew, recalls a good family life with his parents and sister in Holton, Kansas—enjoying…
Fr. Anthony Shidler, OSB, enters eternal rest
On Friday, 10 December 2021, our beloved confrere, Father Anthony Shidler, OSB, passed unburdened into the joys of heaven, bringing to fulfillment a long life in the service of God. Father Anthony’s monastic journey had been traversed in unusual circumstances. After seventeen years at St. Meinrad Archabbey under the simple perpetual vows of a lay…
When in Rome
Abbot Primate Gregory Polan reflects Abbot Primate Gregory Polan is celebrating the 25th anniversary of his abbatial blessing in 1996 and the 50th anniversary of his monastic profession in 1971. Now in his fifth year as Abbot Primate of the Benedictine Confederation in Rome, he shares here the type of work he does and how…
Monastic Milestones
FR. NORBERT | FR. RICHARD | FR. RENE | ARCHBISHOP JEROME | FR. ALBERT | ABBOT PRIMATE GREGORY Fr. Norbert Schappler, OSB | 75 years professed “Fidelity” is perhaps the most fitting word to describe jubilarian Fr. Norbert Schappler, who this year celebrates the 75th anniversary of his monastic profession of…
Brothers Living in Unity campaign announces Signature Phase
Conception increases initial scope of residence hall construction CONCEPTION, Mo. (Nov. 12, 2021) – Conception has officially launched a signature phase to “sign off” on the Brothers Living in Unity campaign. In just over two years, Conception Abbey and Seminary College met their original $14.5 million goal for the Brothers Living in Unity campaign,…