St. Meinrad Arhabbey
“Your light has come, the glory of the Lord shines upon you. See, darkness covers the earth, and thick clouds cover the peoples; but upon you the LORD shines, and over you appears his glory.” -Isaiah 60:1-3 We celebrate the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. We celebrate three great mysteries: The Adoration of…
From the Archivist’s Files
This posting was submitted by Br. Bernard Montgomery, O.S.B., a monk of Conception Abbey. Br. Bernard has several monastic job assignments, but he contributes this entry in his role as Abbey Archivist. I became archivist of the Abbey in November of 2009. I am responsible for the day to day oversight and work of collecting…
Monks on Wheels
This posting was submitted by Fr. Joel Derks, O.S.B., a monk of Conception Abbey, and a jubilarian in profession and ordination. Who takes care of the car you use? What kind of attention does your car need? I help out with maintenance for the Abbey’s fleet of vehicles. I care for everything from the wheels…
Snow: Part Deux
A quick glimpse of campus this morning after the snow finished falling sometime last night. Our workers did a good job having the sidewalks cleared so that we can carry on business as usual. The snow is not terribly deep, but the wind enabled drifts to collect in various areas.
New Year’s Day
The monks’ Christmas celebrations continued as we opened the New Year with the Universal Church by honoring the feast of Mary, Mother of God. New Year’s Eve in the monastery was fairly quiet, and I doubt that any of the monks stayed up until midnight to welcome in the New Year. The Prior, Fr. Daniel,…
Goodbye 2013
The monks spent the past 24 hours on a Day of Recollection. For me, the end of the calendar year is a time to reflect upon the blessings of 2013, and there were many. I am grateful for the friends and family who have shown me such great kindness and support throughout the year. I will…
Family Visits
Happy Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph! During these days of Christmas, many of the families of the monks have been visiting the Abbey and staying in our guesthouses. Do the monks get to visit their families often? Friends and family members are welcome to visit at almost any time during…
Christmas Vespers
Many people are interested in hearing the monks chant the Divine Office. I recorded Solemn Vespers II on Christmas Day.
Feast of St. Stephen
Today is the Feast of St. Stephen, which is Br. Etienne’s Namesday. “Etienne” is French name for “Stephen.” It was a big month for Br. Etienne (and his beard), as he made solemn vows on December 15th, and now celebrates the feast of his heavenly patron. I asked Br. Etienne to respond to several questions…