
Abbey Basilica Anniversary

Today we celebrate 125 years of the Dedication of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception. Our historic basilica church was dedicated on May 10, 1891. It has served as the place of worship and encounter with God.It is a space of beauty and grandeur. With gratitude we celebrate this special anniversary in our history. In honor of…

Abbey Trails 2016

Saturday morning we had our 21st Annual Abbey Trails 5K run/2 mile walk. It was a great success as we welcomed 175 participants. It turned out to be a beautiful May morning, with the exception of one small rain cloud and one bolt of lightning that occurred partway through the race. I participated in the…

Abbey Trails 2016

Check out your Abbey Trails 2016 finish times here! 21st Annual Abbey Trails a Success Conception Abbey & Seminary College welcomed 196 registrants Saturday, May 7th to the 21st Annual Abbey Trails 5K Run/2 Mile Walk and Health Fair. This year’s event drew 90 people for the two-mile walk and 73 for the run. Participants…

International Day 

The seminarians hosted International Day where they could celebrate diversity of cultures present at Conception Seminary College. Various types of food, music and, presentations were provided during the early afternoon. It is a blessing to have such a diverse amount of cultures and ethnicities represented at the seminary and through out the Church.             …

Freshmen Class Outing

Every year the different classes in the seminary college will organize a class outing. Usually these occur in the spring semester, particularly when the weather is nicer. The freshmen class traveled to Lake Viking to the home of friends of mine. They were generous enough to allow the 25 of us to spend most of…

Tower Topics – Spring 2016

Check out the latest issue of Tower Topics!    

The New Tower Topics

It is good to see the fruit of our labor. The spring 2016 issue of our triennial publication, Tower Topics, hit mailboxes this week. You can find and read the electronic version online! Spring 2016 Tower Topics

Prayer for Vocations

Sunday was the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. It was also the spring priesthood discernment retreat, Encounter with God’s Call weekend. Conception Seminary College welcomed around 70 young men to check out the seminary. Sunday afternoon, there was a Eucharistic procession out to the Marian Grotto on campus. Sunday evening I had Mass at the…

From Above

The weather has been beautiful this week and the sun finally broke through the clouds today to unveil some vibrant colors. Just during this week we have seen a remarkable difference with the amount of foliage on the trees. We still have a ways to go, but spring is off to a great start. This…

In Color

Signs of spring are coming through all over campus while the trees are still looking to fill out with their leaves. I used my 50mm camera lens to capture these vibrant colors.